Student Early Alert System

     We help students succeed!








Improve Student Success

  for "At Risk" Students

bullet Identify “At Risk” Students
bullet Track Student Contacts with Advisors
bullet Produce Activity & Management Reports
bullet Easily communicate with students and staff
bullet Schedule appointments and post reminders

The Student Early Alert System (SEAs©)
SEAs© brings together the information colleges and universities need to provide accurate, timely and targeted academic advising. SEAs© helps you to identify “at risk” students and provides the tools that faculty, advisors or administrators require to insure student success. SEAs© can help you increase student retention, assist with student communication and assist with grant record keeping and reporting.

How Does It Work?

The Student Early Alert System (SEAs©) directly addresses the needs of students in an easy-to-use web-based tool. SEAs© primary features include:

bulletQuickly identify "At Risk" students utilizing the powerful and easy-to-use search engine. Student Early Alert System (SEAs©) has over 50 data selection criteria and gives you the ability to select and sort data from the student demographic, admissions, test scores, transcript and contact data. The Excel Export Facility provides the means to transport selected data for further statistical analysis, create mailing labels and create Advisor work lists. The SEAs© Reporting Facility is an indispensable search and reporting tool.

bulletTrack and report student contacts throughout the institution. This tool lets your academic and counseling staff monitor student progress through referrals made by an advisor, student counselor or instructor. Assessment notes, referrals and recommendations are tracked for an unlimited variety of situations including

bullet Advising Intervention to assist the student in problem times
bullet Early Alert submitted by Faculty
bullet Learning Center Activity
bullet Placement Examination Workshop Activity
bullet Study Skill Workshop Activity

bulletPromote open communication among students, advisors, faculty and other service providers. SEAs© provides a comprehensive easy-to-use communication facility through utilization of the following:

bullet Data - student transcript type data, basic skills test scores and placements, SAT scores and transfer credit can be displayed in a single click.
bullet Contract Information - including the current issue, dialogue between the student and advisor, advisor's recommended action and a schedule for follow-up.
bullet Email - a single student or group of students can be emailed to set an appointment, follow-up on a recommended action or for any purpose.
bullet Letters - can be generated with a customized message and saved in a Microsoft Word format. These can later be printed on letterhead.
bullet Appointments - can be scheduled for a single student or group of students with an option to email the student, yourself and any other interested party.

How Can My School Use This Product?

Has your college or university staff experienced these common situations?


A college student was on academic probation and had to resolve some academic issues. Despite the academic advising by his counselor, the student failed to comply with the advisor’s advice, failed courses and was dismissed. The student challenged the dismissal, claiming that no counseling took place. The counselor’s documentation proved that the institution met its responsibility to provide counseling. The Student Early Alert System (SEAs©) provides reporting tools to fully document student counseling and limit your institution’s liability.



Your institution just won a TRIO Grant. In order to fulfill your obligation to the students and the grant, you must identify students covered by the grant, track student advisory activity and provide documented proof to the federal government. SEAs© provides the tools to assist in the grant execution process. SEAs© can also help in the grant acquisition process by identifying various student cohorts.

bullet Your institution is hosting a special event and you want to insure that a select group of students receive an invitation. Use SEAs© to produce mailing labels or mailing information for a mail merge process.


The simple SEAs© interface works with any administrative information system:
PeopleSoft, Datatel, Jenzabar or SCT.

The SEAs© internet-based system is optimized for rapid data entry and reporting and can be accessed anytime, from any place. Yet multiple levels of security and data encryption allow only your authorized users to access the data.

When you view Student Early Alert System (SEAs©), you will agree there isn't a comparable product in the higher education market at any price. Yet your cost for Student Early Alert System (SEAs©) is both reasonable and could save you many times your initial investment in the first year!

Call Nick at (917) 854-1121 today and we’ll arrange a convenient online demonstration that fits your schedule in the comfort of your office.


A detail view of The Student Early Alert System (SEAS).
   Sample Student Contact Information Page